Commercial Solar Financing - The Definitive Guide

StandardSolar_Financing Ebook ImageCommercial Distributed Generation (DG) solar is often cited as the most complicated segment of the industry to finance. Not only can the number of financing vehicles be confusing, the proliferation of companies claiming to have ready money to spend is overwhelming. Without a lending company that understands the basics of commercial, government and institutional DG solar financing, the results can range from disappointing to devastating.

In our free ebook Commercial Solar Financing - The Definitive Guide, our experts present this complicated subject in terms everyone can understand, giving potential solar owners the information they need to evaluate their financing partner to make sure success is attainable.

The book addresses such crucial questions as:

  • Why financing in the commercial, government and institutional DG solar segment has lagged
  • The different vehicles companies can use to build financing packages (from PPAs, leasing, loans and beyond) and,
  • Why in-house financing is quickly becoming the preferred commercial solar financing model.

Before signing on with a financial partner, read this book from the experts and be armed with the knowledge to make sure your solar project can come to fruition, secure in knowing that your funding source is solid.